ABOUT 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载
Welcome to Great Basin College!
Great Basin College values you! Valuing what we have in common and our differences means we will foster a college climate of mutual trust, tolerance, informed discourse and always seek to promote 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 as a "safe space" to explore new ideas and perspectives with opportunities for you to grow, learn and be successful in a friendly, supportive campus environment. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 enriches people's lives by providing student-centered, post-secondary education to rural Nevada. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 students enjoy outstanding academic programs, smaller class sizes, and excellent faculty who really care about our students. We are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载!
For High School Students
Great Basin College is "The Gold Standard in the Silver State" when it comes to long-distance education and online education delivery. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 offers hundreds of classes and a diverse array of certificate and degree programs fully online and fully affordable!
Great Basin College wants to be your choice for higher education. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 offers associate and baccalaureate level instruction in career and technical education and academic areas. About 4,000 students are enrolled annually online from across the country and on campuses and centers across 86,500 square miles, two time zones, and ten of Nevada's largest counties. We border Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and California. We are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载!
Need to find COVID-19 information quick? Check out our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources page!
• Battle Mountain: 775-635-2318This is the new Students COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions page. We update this page frequently as new information becomes available. Review sections including Fall Courses & Registration, Housing Move-In/Arrival, Student Health, Testing & Contact Tracing, Campus Expectations, Cleaning and Disinfection, Services and Support, Finances, and Planning.
85% of our courses will be offered in an online/hybrid format. Courses that require students to attend in-person will have a lab component embedded in the course. When searching for courses, the class notes will indicate if the course has an in-person requirement.
To enhance online teaching 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 faculty are:
澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 understands study groups are very beneficial to the success of our students. We encourage you to study safely via Zoom or Google meetings. If you decide to meet in person we suggest it be outdoors, with all participants wearing a face covering. You should maintain a 6ft social distance while talking and working.
Fall grading policy can be found on the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 web page http://wx71.soongshinkid.com/academics/grades.html
Students should also review the course syllabus for specific course grading guidelines.
If changes were made to your schedules you will be able to find them by viewing your class schedule and checking the class notes. You can do this by logging into My澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, clicking on your class schedule. When viewing your class schedule you should be able to view the class notes. The modality of the class should be listed in the class notes. For additional assistance please reach out to the academic advising office at 775.327.2068.
Classes will be offered online, hybrid and in person. In person courses are limited to programs that require an in-person component such as labs or clinicals. When registering for classes you will be able to view the modality in which the courses are being offered.
Yes, but the NSHE and the Federal government are restricting student studies outside of the United States.
Each apartment has it’s own kitchen and that will be available to the residents of that apartment. Each dorm room in Griswold Hall has a refrigerator and microwave.
Griswold dorm rooms are being rented as single student units, no double occupancy will be permitted. College Parkway apartments will be rented with one student per bedroom, two residents to an apartment. There are designated locations, for use as self-isolation areas should a student become ill.
All rooms are single this year for the safety of our students
As part of our housing reopening plans, all housing students have been notified of their specific move-in date and time.
Housing students arriving from out of state will be subject to quarantine requirements.
Yes, quarantine begins your first arrival day to campus.
No, we are not requiring a move in test.
Students may bring a maximum of two move-in helpers on move-in day. Each helper must be wearing a mask while on campus. Helpers may include parents, family members or friends.
We currently do not offer vaccines to students. The vaccine is normally available at clinics and pharmacies around town starting in October.
You will need to contact your faculty for each course and make those arrangements. For many courses you will be able to turn in work through Web Campus. If you have an in-person class in the technical or health sciences fields, work with your faculty and Dean to arrange time to complete the assignments after you test negative and can return.
If you are in student housing you Must notify the Housing Coordinator anytime you feel ill and believe it may be COVID-19 related. The housing coordinator will assign you to a self-isolation area if needed.
Yes, we encourage you to seek medical attention anytime you require it.
Students attending in-person classes will need to complete a daily class survey to monitor any symptoms.
Each classroom has already been assessed and the seating adjusted for social distancing. In the technical lab areas students will need to self-monitor so they do not group up.
Stay in your room, Do Not go to class! Contact your doctor or a local medical facility to request a test and follow their directions.
Physical distancing means you are still participating in class and daily activities but doing so safely by wearing a face covering in public locations and keeping a six foot distance from other people.
Self-quarantine is normally used when you may have higher than normal risk factors for illness or are not feeling well. You decide to be safe, stay home and avoid contact with others. If you have possible COVID-19 symptoms, contact a medical professional and follow their directions. If you are tested for COVID-19 you would remain home until the test results are given to you. Self-isolation is used when you are advised by a medical professional you tested positive for COVID-19 or other illness. You MUST stay away from all contact with others in your room or a separate housing room assigned by the housing coordinator. This must continue until you are released to return to class by a medical professional. You must notify the Housing Coordinator if a dorm resident. If not you should notify the Director of Environmental Health & Safety at patricia.anderson@soongshinkid.com and your faculty.
When released by your doctor.
At this time, if you require a test, please contact Nevada Health Centers or A+ Urgent Care at 775-777-7587.
Each case is handled based on that person's recent activities. The standard rule is if the person has been within six feet for 15 minutes.
That will be based on where and why you are tested, such as at a community testing center or at a doctor’s office.
We are not providing testing.
The college will follow the directions of the State Health lab and County health officer. Depending on where they work and what type of work they are assigned, persons in contact will be notified. The person will immediately be told to isolate.
No public events are being scheduled under the current state of the COVID-19 response. The campus is closed to the general public.
If you leave the campus remain aware of your surroundings and what you plan on doing while gone. If you are going to work, follow the COVID-19 guidelines. If you are going home to immediate family use caution when traveling. You may leave the campus but follow the COVID-19 guidelines.
Great Basin College expects students to follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC. Social distance, wear a face covering when not in your residence. If you feel ill, stay home and contact a medical professional.
Anywhere inside a building other than your dorm room, apartment or home. If you are outdoors wear a face covering if you cannot maintain social distancing or if you are not walking alone.
Yes, Great Basin College will not be providing face coverings for students.
A "face covering" is defined as a "covering that fully covers a person’s nose and mouth, including without limitation, cloth face mask, surgical mask, towels, scarves, and bandanas" (State of Nevada Emergency Directive 024). Face shields are not approved face coverings. The University has the authority to require students to wear facial coverings. A student may seek an accommodation under the ADA through the Disability Resource Center (DRC); an employee may seek an accommodation under the ADA through Human Resources.
The face covering should have at least 3 layers and be washable or have changeable filters.
No guests at this time are permitted at the on-campus residence dorms or apartments. Administration may review our county health risk assessment later in the semester to determine if the visitor ban may be relaxed. Students living in on-campus residences should follow the housing policy on guests.
Yes, but we do not recommend frequent travel, this just increases your risk level.
All campus restrooms are being thoroughly cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis.
Regular drinking fountains will not be in service. Water bottle hydration stations will be.
The HVAC systems are maintained by a combination of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 staff and an outside professional contractor. All filters are changed on a regular basis to maintain air quality.
Sanitizing equipment has been purchased to improve specific high use locations.
The college will be providing sanitation stations in each building and cleaning products for use in the lab areas. Great Basin College does not provide cleaning products for use in student residences.
The library opening date has not been announced yet. All library services are available via their online library connections.
Yes, the BookStore is currently open by appointment each weekday between 10-1.
Yes, you may contact the VPSAS/Title IX Coordinator Jake Rivera at jake.hinton-rivera@soongshinkid.com. Or the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security at patricia.anderson@soongshinkid.com
If it is an immediate emergency call 911.
Sisters Food Service will be open beginning August 24th. Their hours will be Monday through Thursday from 7:30am-2pm.
Student employment will be available. Please contact the Financial Aid Office or visit http://nshe.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载-external for available positions.
Fees will be charged based upon the fees approved by the Board of Regents. If 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 moves to 100% remote instruction during the course of the semester, we do not anticipate fees changing. See 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Fees.
Fees will be charged based upon the fees approved by the Board of Regents. If 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 moves to 100% remote instruction during the course of the semester, we do not anticipate fees changing. See 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Fees.
Please contact the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Financial Aid Office for financial hardship assistance.
If there is a directive from the Governor, Board of Regents or NSHE Chancellor ording the campus to close Great Basin College will follow the directive. IF there is a serious health condition at one or more of the Great Basin College locations the President will be in contact with County and State Health professionals to determine if closing would be recommended.
Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.
Great Basin College - 1500 College Parkway - Elko, Nevada 89801 - 775.327.5002
A member institution of the Nevada System of Higher Education
Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
All rights reserved. Use of any content only by express permission of Great Basin College © 2025.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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